








                    'Your community bowling club'

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The Club has once again employed the services of the excellent Chris Roberts to start the process of extending the car park. This involved scraping back the undergrowth to reveal the road and kerbstone underneath, and removing the dead tree. Chairman Brian also had to sacrifice his beehive before Chris was prepared to get too close!

Here are some 'before', 'during' and 'after' photos. Now that we can see what we're dealing with, we can start getting the cleared area suitable for use.

Thanks to Tim Georgeson who has supplied us with a chalk scoreboard which has now been fitted to the rear wall of the North Stand. This will be particularly useful for Friendly matches. Old pallets have been converted into Planters and filled by Chairman Brian to enhance the Japanese garden in front of the North Stand.

If you're needing to entertain the grandchildren during the summer holidays, why not bring them along with you to the Club, and they can amuse themselves on our new Connect Four outdoor Games console (which also includes a mini basketball hoop and a ring-toss game) whilst you get in some bowls practice. We are the community Club for all the family.

Congratulations to life-time Club member John Plant and his wife Anthea, who celebrated their 55th Wedding Anniversary on July 12th.

The team from Tittensor who visited us in the Stoke League on 17th July include Mike Tidyman, who using his customised wheelchair was able to access our facilities. Bowling is for everyone!

On June 22nd for the second week running our two teams in the Saturday Parks League faced one another, and the Club took the opportunity to lay on some refreshments and make it into "a bit of a do". It stayed dry and the sun even made a few appearances, whilst on the green there were several close matches (as was the case the previous week), but the B team emerged victorious by a similar margin to the previous week. Huge thanks to the (mainly) ladies who laid on an excellent spread and contributed greatly to a lovely afternoon.

The 'Trentham Challenge' on May 27th saw pairs of players from several Clubs around the area take part is a series of matches over 11 ends, with cumulative points deciding the eventual winners. Apart from our official entrants (Sue, Diane, Rob and Paul - pictured) there were also those of 'dual nationality' taking part (David & Hilary, and Tim & Denise) - great to see the latter back on a green again. The weather stayed fair, and to cap it all off our team finished in an excellent third place, just two points behind the winners.

Members will have noticed a sign alongside our green for Caddick Construction. They are the Company constructing new storage facilities at the far end of the old Power Station brownfield site, and they are very keen to liaise with us and help the Club in any way they can in order to enhance their and our relationship with the local Community. Our Friday social bowlers were happy to pose for a photo to recognise this co-operation.

A gentle if cold start to the season for our A team in the Oakhill League was dramatically interrupted by an apocalyptic hailstorm, leading the team to take up the new sport of Crown WHITE Bowls. Not surprisingly the match had to be abandoned!

Our first friendly of the season saw us visit Trentham on 2nd April. 16 Doubles matches of 11 ends each resulted in the Home team emerging as narrow winners by 146 to 130. Most importantly it stayed dry (but was raining again 30 minutes after we finished) and everybody got loose for what the first game of the season for the vast majority. Many thanks to Keith and Tim for organising everything, and to Trentham for being excellent hosts. We look forward to the return in September.

Many thanks to all those hardy volunteers (just some of whom are seen here) who came along to the club to administer the annual pre-season tidy up on March 23rd. Given this year's weather we were quite lucky to only experience a couple of showers, and so everything is now set for the new season - all we need now is some sunshine!

A good time was had by all at the annual Club Lunch on February 18th (or, as it is now known, the Steve Kettle appreciation show)!

Stone Golf Club was once again the choice of venue, and they did an excellent job, even providing a club cat for a floor show. With tummies full Chairman Brian then commenced the presentation of Trophies (some of which were NOT won by Steve), before conducting a raffle consisting of prizes kindly donated by Club members, for which the tickets had been earlier sold by Jean. After a round of applause for Rose and Brian to thank them for organising the lunch, the afternoon concluded with a rousing rendition of "Happy Birthday" for Brian, who celebrates a special birthday next weekend.

Club Chairman Brian handed out the following trophies:

Leading average Stoke League Team: Michael Wainwright

Leading average Newcastle League Team: Steve Kettle

Leading average Oakhill 'A' Team: Brian Bromley

Leading average Oakhill 'B' Team: Steve Kettle

Leading average Saturday Mixed Team: Andrew Maddams

Leading average Saturday Parks Team: Steve Kettle

Club Singles Tournament Runner-up: Des Robinson

Club Singles Tournament Winner: Steve Kettle

Club Person of the Year 2023: Keith Simcock




Our Treasurer was honoured to lay a wreath on behalf of the Club at the Barlaston village Service of Remembrance on November 12th.

In October 2023, Storm Babet paid a visit to our Club, with spectacular results! A Photo Album of these and other photos is available in the Clubhouse.

The weekend of 16th/17th September saw us take part in two very enjoyable friendly matches, first away to Stonefield and then home to Trentham. Both resulted in narrow defeats but a good time was had by all.

The 2023 Singles Finals and social day on September 10th was a huge success despite the humid and sometimes wet conditions. The ladies laid on a fabulous spread which was thoroughly enjoyed by a bumper crowd. On the green one semi-final was one-sided (Steve 21, Andrew 9), but the other went all the way before Des beat Paul 21-20. In the final Steve continued his good form to run out a 21-13 winner. The finalists received bottles of wine and will collect their trophies at the annual Club lunch. After the final and an excellent tea-break, many spectators took to the green to start practising for next year. Here are some photos from a wonderful afternoon:

Under the guise of a friendly match with Little Stoke, on 6th September we celebrated a recent significant birthday for our top-class Groundsman Des. Here are some photos of the presentation, the bowls, and the man himself with his lovely wife. Thank to Keith for organising the evening, and to Lynn and the ladies for laying on a fabulous spread. Congratulations Des!


All together now: " Championes, championes, ole ole ole"! Huge congratulations to our 'A' team in the Oakhill Jubilee League, who are Division Three Winners. Particular praise to Brian Bromley, who partnered by Mick Manning (13 times) and Alan Corbett (3 times), played Doubles in every match and won them all. Well done Brian and all.

The weather stayed dry (just) for a very enjoyable and closely fought friendly with Stone Crown on Sunday 27th August. After 12 Doubles matches consisting of 11 ends each, the home team emerged victorious by just 4 points, 140 to 136. Thank you to all who took part.

It is with great sadness that we report the sudden passing of Club Member Tony Hulson. We extend our sympathies to his family and friends. The Club has made a donation to the charity nominated by Tony's family. R.I.P. Tony.

The Club has just been made aware of the passing of former member Tony Goldsmith. We extend our sympathies to his family and friends. R.I.P. Tony.

On Sunday 20th August the Club was honoured to host the BCGBA Centenary Mixed Pairs Potteries Qualifying round and here are some photos from a rare sunny afternoon.

The Club was honoured to host the Senior Final of the Nancy Boulton Ladies team competition on Tuesday 15th August at 6.30pm.

The Club is extremely sorry to hear of the passing of former Club member Glyn Needham. We extend our sympathies to his family and friends. The Club has made a donation to the charities nominated by Glyn's family.R.I.P Glyn.

On Tuesday 25th July the Club was honoured to host the Parks League FS Jones Cup Semi-final between Wolstanton High St and Clough Hall. Wolstanton High St progressed to the Final where they will play Bucknall Private A. The match was also attended by local Bowls Supremo Barry Massey, and we received much praise for our facilities and hospitality. Many thanks to Lynn, Jean, Rose and Val who did a great job in the kitchen. Here are some photos from a (rare) sunny evening.

It is with great sadness that we announce that Ken Boote has today (14th June) passed away. Apart from being a thoroughly nice chap, on the green Ken formed a formidable doubles partnership with John Plant and he will be greatly missed. The Club extends its sympathy to Pauline and the family.The Club has made a donation to the charities nominated by Ken's family. R.I.P. Ken.

The Club extends its sympathy to Lynn Leary on the passing of her mother - may she rest in peace.

Congratulations to the Dad of Club Treasurer Andrew, who reached the grand old age of 100 on May 22nd. Obviously this is a Bowls Club, but he acknowledged the feat in cricketing style!

On Tuesday 23rd May members of Barlaston & Tittensor Cub Scout troop had an 'introduction to bowls' session on our green, ably instructed by Keith Simcock and Sue Ramm. Following the session the cubs were all presented with Certificates confirming their participation. Hopefully a few will catch the bug and be gracing the club in a few years time!

The powers-that-be mentioned below took the day off for the Chairman's Doubles Competition on Sunday April 23rd as the weather was pretty miserable, but nevertheless a good time was had by all.

After an excellent afternoon's bowling, it transpired that Brian took the title of the day literally and claimed the glittering prize along with partner Sue (Ramm). Runners-up in the main Competition were Rose and Paul, thus ensuring that the trophy was going to reside chez Astburys whoever won! In an exciting last end, last bowl contest, the Plate competition was won by Michael and Sue (Roche) against Robin and Val. All the Finalists are shown receiving their prizes below.

The powers-that-be clearly knew it was to be our Open Day as blue skies and sunshine made their first appearance for what seems like months. Several potential new members came along to enjoy our ever-improving facilities, and we hope they'll be back on a regular basis. Well done to the organisers and the suppliers of tea and cakes!

Huge thanks to the many volunteers who turned up on a showery day to get the Club ready for the new season both inside and out.

Despite the inclement weather Michael Wainwright has been cracking on with building the new North wall to the green. Still plenty to do, but a great start. The other half of the 'dynamic duo', Mick Manning, is building a shelving unit to house our spare sets of bowls. No photo yet as it needs a a lick of paint, but it will certainly tidy up the Clubhouse interior. Many thanks both.

A change of venue for our annual Club Lunch in 2023, and everyone agreed that Stone Golf Club did us proud. Huge thanks to Rose for organising the whole event. A good meal was followed by a few words from Chairman Brian and the presentation of Trophies. The afternoon was finished off by an extended raffle which raised well over £140 for Club funds - thanks to everyone who donated prizes, and to Lynn for organising it.

Club Chairman Brian handed out the following trophies:

Leading average Ladies League team: Sue Ramm (accepted on her behalf by Pat Davies)

Leading average Mens Stoke League team: Michael Wainwright

Leading Newcastle League average: Brian Bromley

Leading average Saturday Parks League Team: Steve Kettle

Club Doubles Tournament winners: Steve Kettle and Alan Corbett

Club Person of the Year 2022: Sue Ramm (accepted on her behalf by Pat Davies)


Many thanks to the large number of volunteers who turned up to the Club on Monday 13th February to assist with the delivery of concrete for the new North wall to the green. Wheelbarrow-wheelers and tea-makers equally valued and particular thanks to Michael Wainwright for organising it all.


The Club extends its sympathy to Alan Corbett on the passing of his mother. May she rest in peace.

Work continues by the Monday afternoon team; footings dug out for the new supporting wall across the top of the green, and our Club name proudly added to the North Stand.

Not surprisingly, there was a large turnout for Renee's funeral, including about a dozen Club members. The Club has made a donation to the charities nominated by Renee's family.

Former Club Chairman Bill Boswell, supported by his wife and former Ladies Team Captain Anne, was honoured to represent the Club at this year's Remembrance Service on Barlaston Village Green.

Paul Bradley and his assistant gave the green its professional autumn renovation treatment on Tuesday 8th November, with valuable support from Club Members Des, Gary, Neil, Andrew and Greg (who took the photos as well as working).

It is with huge sadness that we regret to announce the passing of former Club Secretary and Club stalwart, Renee Robinson. Renee's big smile and considerable playing ability (reigning Ladies Singles Champion) will be sorely missed. She recently had a fabulous year supporting Club President Gareth as his Lady Mayoress, and our thoughts are with Gareth and Renee's family and friends at this difficult time. Rest in peace Renee.


A couple of photos of our fully refurbished Clubhouse, alongwith the extended handrail built by the ever resourceful Monday afternoon team and which now just needs a coat of paint.

Photos from a very enjoyable friendly match against Stone Crown on Sunday 28th August 2022. Many thanks to Des for organising this match which saw a narrow victory for the away team.

Arie De Pee did not play in the Stoke Men's League on Weds 24th August for the very good reason that he is celebrating 65 years of marriage to the lovely Margaret. Here's the Chairman a few years ago telling them it will never last! Congratulations to them both!

The Club extends its sympathy to David and Hilary Farnsworth on the passing of David's mother. May she rest in peace.

Long established Club members will remember Emma Dawson, who became one of the best Junior Lady players in the County before a persistent knee injury forced her to concentrate on other things, like falling in love! Emma got married on May 28th and is seen here leaving her parent's house prior to the ceremony, and then in an official photo at the big event. Everyone at the Club wishes Emma and Alex Goldsmith a long and happy married life together.

The Monday afternoon team have now begun cladding the exterior of the Clubhouse, and meanwhile Garry Lugg has completed the laying of artificial grass in the guttering around the green.

A hugely enjoyable Chairman's Doubles Tournament took place on Sunday 10th April, with many Members enjoying our new improved facilities for the first time. Big thanks to Chairman Brian for organising the tournament, and to Carole and her team of ladies for laying on excellent refreshments.

There were many evenly matched games on a dry but cloudy afternoon.

At the end of the afternoon, the prizes were handed out by Chairman Brian. This started with the Club Person of the year 2020 award for Gary Lugg, who had been unable to attend the Club Lunch in February. The Plate competition was won by Keith Simcock and Gareth Jones, who each received a bottle of wine, whilst the runners up were Sue Ramm and Des Robinson, who were each rewarded with an Easter Egg.

The main competition was deservedly won by Steve Kettle and Alan Corbett, who fought off strong resistance from Arie De Pee and Carole Duffy (despite the latter playing with her wrong arm). These four received slightly superior quality wine and eggs!

The first Club lunch for two years took place on February 27th. We returned to Barlaston Golf Club, who once again looked after us very well. A good meal was followed by a few words from Chairman Brian and the presentation of Trophies. The afternoon was finished off by an extended raffle which raised £61 for Club funds - thanks to everyone who donated prizes.

Club Chairman Brian handed out the following trophies:

Life-time honorary membership certificates: Bill Boswell and Arie De Pee.

Leading average Ladies League team: Carole Duffy

Leading average Mens Stoke League team: Andy Marshall (not present)

Leading Newcastle League average: Malcolm Simcock

Club Person of the Year 2020: Gary Lugg (accepted on his behalf by Des Robinson)

Club Person of the Year 2021: Joint winners Michael Wainwright (not present) and Mick Manning

Club Singles Tournament Ladies Winner: Renee Robinson

Club Singles Tournament Ladies Runner-up: Carole Duffy

Club Singles Tournament Mens Winner: Andrew Maddams

Club Singles Tournament Mens Runner-up: Michael Hirons

Club Singles Yournaments Mens Plate Winner: Tony Hulson


Kitchen worktops in place, walls gradually turning light grey, housing for generator being built, and new fencing around the green started - it's all happening!

Won't be long til the season starts so the team are working hard to get everything ready. First coats of paint have been applied in the Clubhouse, and the kitchen units have started to be assembled by Mick and Alan. In the meantime, Steve continues to work on the garden, and, of course, most importantly, Des and Gary constantly work on the green.

Despite the holiday season, work continues apace at the Club. All new windows and door are in the Clubhouse, new false ceiling fitted, and the new flooring and kitchen units have been bought. Meanwhile, the garden outside the Clubhouse has been tidied, and Mick W's superb job on the path down to the Pavilion is almost complete.


The Club extends its sympathies to the family and friends of Club member Geoff Hambleton who has sadly passed away. May he rest in peace.

Clubhouse refurbishment continues: Double-glazed windows all now in, and today (30.11.21) saw Mick M and Alan widen the doorway ready for the new Door. Meanwhile Mick W continues to build the wall. Unlike China's, it cannot be seen from space, but still a very impressive effort.

Our Treasurer was honoured to lay a wreath on the Club's behalf at the Service of Remembrance on Barlaston Village Green on Sunday 14th November - "We shall remember them".

Next stage of the Clubhouse refurbishment (1.11.21): Battens for new suspended ceiling fitted and first ceiling board in place (it will be painted white). New replacement double-glazed windows and door have arrived.

The Green has closed for 2021 and work has begun on treating it ready for 2022! At the same time we have started emptying the Clubhouse (starting with chairs and notices) in readiness for the refurbishment planned over the winter.

The Club extends its sympathy to Club member Tony Goldsmith and his family and friends, on the loss of his wife, Marie. May she rest in peace.

First stage of the re-development of our Clubhouse - a new roof:

11th September saw the finals of both the Mens and Womens Tournaments. The Ladies finally managed to complete the semi-finals despite the best efforts of the British weather, and the Final saw a high standard battle narrowly won by RENEE ROBINSON over Carole Duffy.

In the Mens Plate competition, the semis saw wins for Keith Simcock over Gary Lugg, and Tony Hulson over Greg McCawley, before TONY HULSON was victorious in the Final.

In the main Mens competition the semis saw wins for Mike Hirons over Neil Jeffs, and Andrew Maddams over Dave Fox. The Grand Final could not match the standard of the Ladies final, but ANDREW MADDAMS emerged triumphant by a score of 21-13.

The winners were presented with bottles of wine by organiser and Club Chairman Brian, whilst the runners-up received boxes of chocolates. Photos of the Finalists and the admiring crowd below:

Photos from the sunny first day of the Men's singles knockout competition which took place on 28th August:

The Club extends its sympathies to the family and friends of Club member Graham Brunt who has sadly passed away. May he rest in peace.

The Club extends its sympathy to long-serving member Arie De Pee on the loss of his sister. May she rest in peace.

Our Stoke Men's team visited Oakamoor on 14th July - surely the most scenic of the greens we visit, so well worth some photos here.

Thanks to very skilled work by the crane driver, our new container is now in place, and Chairman Brian and Groundsman Des have checked it is working properly.

All the work mentioned in the previous paragraph is now finished as shown below. The next stage will see the new Container arrive on Monday 10th.

With the new roof to the North Stand now virtually complete, attention has now turned to improving access to the green from the car park. The existing walkway will be evened out, tarmaced and a new handrail fitted. We are also creating a separate new wider pathway suitable for use by a tractor when essential green maintenance is carried out. Finally, a base is being laid ready for the installation of a new container to house our mowers etc.

Roof of the North Stand has been removed, and is being replaced by a more weatherproof version, with fully operational guttering!

On April 20th Gareth ended his covid-extended term as Mayor and therefore he and Renee will hopefully be able to resurrect their bowling skills. The Club are very proud to have had our current President and our former Secretary doing their bit for the community in these challenging times, but we now look forward to seeing them in slightly less formal uniform, i.e. the famous blue polo shirt! Well done, and welcome back!

The Club extends its sympathy to Club member Tony Hulson and his family and friends, on the loss of his wife, Ann (also a Club Member). May she rest in peace.

Many members will remember Maurice Clark, who before this year was a regular attendee of Friday afternoon social bowling. The Club is very sorry to hear that Maurice has passed away, and extends its sympathy to his family and friends. RIP Maurice.


Permanent downpipe now fitted, and inside now being tarted up. In the meantime Chris has done a great job of clearing the entrance road and transferring the debris to form the start of what will be a slope down to the green-side.

Fascia boards have now been finished off, and guttering added (downpipe shown is temporary). Alan Corbett has given the walls a good wash and they are now gleaming. Good friend of the Club Chris Roberts has also begun clearing the entrance road slope to the club, which will eventually allow improved and disabled-friendly access to the green.

Despite lockdown 2, our intrepid team use their allowed exercise periods to continue work on the Pavilion. The inner back wall has now been painted white, and fascia boards fitted around the roof.

Basic construction of the Pavilion is now almost complete - the waterproof membrane is on the roof, and the glass panels have been fitted to the walls. It is mainly cosmetic work that remains. In the meantime the green has been scarified ready for the winter.

Our team Captains are always asking us to be ruthless, and we struggle to comply. Now the new Pavilion has come out in sympathy, and is also no longer 'roof less'... well to be exact it now has an internal ceiling and the start of the exterior roof.

Some people didn't get the Wishbone Ash reference below, well how about Take That - our new Pavilion has now got a back for good!


A representative group of members gathered outside the Club on Wednesday 26th August to pay respects to the cortege of Dean Williams as it passed by. The Club has also made a donation to the Woodland Trust in Dean's memory. RIP Dean.


Whilst closely following both Government and BCGBA guidelines, the Club hosted a very enjoyable friendly match against Trent Vale on Saturday 15th August. This was the first of a double-header - the return match takes place on August 29th. The weather stayed fine, and thankfully not as hot as earlier in the week, and the Home team ran out narrow 79 to 73 winners. Many thanks to Des for organising the match, and thanks to everyone from both teams who took part and took a very sensible common sense approach to the current restrictions.

In the immortal words of 'Wishbone Ash', our Pavilion, like a Phoenix, has "raised its head to the skies".

The Club extends its sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Dean Williams - may he rest in peace.

The base within the Pavilion is almost done, and elsewhere, Chairman Brian has trimmed his hedge (not a euphemism!), and the back of the green is now very neatly shielded from Meaford Road.

The entrance area to the Pavilion is now flat and wheelchair-friendly.

Another week on, and now we've done some whacking!

More easing of lockdown restrictions has allowed us to finally start work on the new Pavilion. Foundations have been fully dug out, building materials have been delivered and some have been moved into place. Many thanks to the two Micks and the Monday afternoon team.

As mentioned on the Home page, we are now able to bowl again, under strict conditions - these are illustrated on the following photos, alongwith a photo of the superb new set of steps into the Clubhouse kindly constructed by Alan Corbett.

Someone has made good use of their alloted daily exercise to sink the first four supporting posts for our new pavilion. Obviously things are quite rightly very restricted at the moment, but where possible we are maintaining the green and surrounds, in order that we will be ready to resume when, as the Queen said, "We'll meet again".

A small but determined group turned up on Saturday 14th March to undertake a clean-up ahead of the new season (assuming it takes place)! Many thanks to Malcolm & Carol, Keith S, Brian A, Des & Val, Greg, Neil, Gary and Andrew.Our newly refurbished mower had its first tour of the green. Some photographic evidence of their efforts below, plus a shot of the start to the foundations for the new Stand/Conservatory/Pavilion which was done previously. There is no truth in the rumour that Brian and Neil "put on women's clothing and hang around in bars"!

At the Club Lunch, Brian thanked Michael Wainwright for the excellent job he had done in repairing the steps down to the Clubhouse - here's the photographic evidence:

A very successful annual Club Lunch and Presentation ceremony at Barlaston Golf Club on 23rd February. The sun shone, Club members 'scrubbed up' well, and a good time was had by all. Club Chairman Brian passed on good wishes from Club President Gareth Jones, whose Mayoral duties unfortunately prevented him and his consort Renee attending today, and Brian also took the opportunity to make various important 'housekeeping' notices.

Club Chairman Brian then handed out the following trophies:

Life-time honorary membership certificate: Anne Boswell

Leading average ladies League team: Carole Duffy

Leading average mens Stoke League team: Andrew Maddams

Leading Newcastle League average: Brian Bromley

Club Person of the Year: Carole Duffy

Internal Doubles Tournament winners: Tim Georgeson (unable to attend) and Sue Ramm



Storm Dennis didn't stop our intrepid team from moving our acquired Conservatory from its home in Stone to the Club. All we've got to do now is build it...and they will come!

Apart from one roofing panel now being single-glazed rather than double,(which is a pane in the glass!) we're all set to go.

The '13th' was certainly unlucky for this Conservatory as a crack team of Club members took it down ready to be reassembled alongside the green as our new third Stand. Many thanks to Des's neighbours for the donation, and to the hard-working team of Mick M, Des, Gary, Alan, Brian and Andrew (not forgetting Val for supplying the teas). We hope to shortly transport the pieces to the green, ready for re-construction over the coming weeks/months.


Huge congratulations to longstanding Club member Ken Boote and his wife Pauline who, on 10th October, celebrate their Diamond Wedding anniversary.

The season is over, but now the hard work begins. Paul Bradley and his team (with support from Club members Des, Gary, Brian and Andrew) did a thorough job on October 9th of scarifying, tining, seeding and fertilising. You can see from the third photo below just how much grass etc was removed from the green.

We were so lucky to have a glorious late summer's day for our 2019 Internal Doubles Tournament. 14 pairs took part, who were divided into three groups. In theory the three group winners plus the best overall runners-up then contested the Semi-finals and Final but a slight adjustment had to be made as not everyone could stay as afternoon became evening. As word grew that an enthralling competition was taking place, our Green was visited by the local Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress, and a hot-air balloon also flew over for a better look! With the shadows lengthening and dusk about to fall the Final saw an epic tussle with newcomer Sue Ramm and partner Tim Georgeson roaring into an early lead, which was then wiped out by a sterling comeback from opponents Denise Georgeson and Fred Shaffery, before Sue and Tim reasserted their authority to emerge victorious at 7.15pm! Huge thanks to Club Chairman Brian Astbury for organising the afternoon so well, and to the ladies who made sure no one went short of excellent cakes and refreshments. The Finalists all received bottles of wine for their efforts, and the Winners will be presented with their Trophies at the annual Club Dinner.

Many thanks to Carole, her family, and her small yet dedicated team of helpers for laying on yet another very enjoyable Garden Tea Party on 21st July. It was overcast but importantly stayed dry, and so a good time was had by all, with over £400 being raised for the Club. Carole was presented with a bouquet of flowers from the Club by Club Chairman Brian Astbury as a small gesture of appreciation for her wonderful efforts and hospitality. Some photos from a lovely afternoon are below:

Huge congratulations to Club stalwarts, John and Anthea Plant, who celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary on Friday 12th July. The couple who bowl together, stay together!


Some photos from a sunny Ladies match against Florence Pvt 2 on 23rd May 2019.

The Club extends its sincere sympathy to Stoke Mens Team Captain Neil Jeffs on the loss of his mother, Jean. May she rest in peace.

Congratulations to our Club President, Gareth Jones, who was installed as Mayor of Stafford Borough Council in a colourful ceremony full of pomp and circumstance on 18th May. When he does manage to fit in some bowls this summer, we hope his chain of office will not hinder his efforts!

The 2019 Stone Festival Doubles Competition starts with two Qualifying Events. The first, at Little Stoke, was held on Monday 6th May. We were represented by Emma & Des, and Gary & Dave. Unfortunately both couples were drawn against teams from the home club, and despite playing very well, each team could only muster 3 points.

On Friday 10th May it was our turn to play host, with our Club represented by Carole & Andrew, as well as Tim & Denise masquerading as Stonefield players! Despite the home advantage, neither of our teams were able to progress, Carole & Andrew scoring 15, and Denise & Tim 18. All visitors seemed to be impressed by our green and hospitality - thanks to all who helped with scoring, measuring and the excellent refreshments. We wish all the winning teams good luck in the Finals, and warn them that we'll be back next year!

Our new Club polos and fleeces are now available for (subsidised) purchase. Huge thanks to Carole Duffy for organising these, and she is the lady to contact if you're interested in buying one. They look and feel great - see photos below:

Along with John Plant (see below), former Club Chairman Vin Turner has been granted honorary Life-time membership. He has been presented with his certificate by current Chairman Brian Astbury, and was kind enough to send us the attached letter of appreciation.

A very enjoyable 2019 Club Lunch took place at Barlaston Golf Club on February 24th. As well as a hearty meal, the opportunity was taken to present a few trophies, and to introduce members to our new Club uniform.

The following trophies were presented by Club Chairman Brian Astbury:

Life-time honorary membership certificate: John Plant

Leading average ladies League team: Anthea Plant

Leading average mens Stoke League team: Ken Marshall (Accepted on Ken's behalf by Neil Jeffs)

Leading Newcastle League average: Glyn Needham

Club Person of the Year: Des Robinson

Internal Doubles Tournament winners: Tim Georgeson and Brian Astbury


Chris Roberts and his band (Des, Andrew, Steve, Neil, and Alan) gave up performing 60's covers for two days and instead have cleared an enormous amount of brambles from the Green surrounds. The long-term plan is to seed the area with wild flowers, thus making our Club an even more pleasant place to visit and play. Thanks to all concerned for your efforts.

Thanks to the skills of Alan Corbett, our Club name is now proudly displayed for all to see.

Our annual internal Doubles tournament took place on Friday 28th September in dry, sunny conditions (if slightly cool towards the end!). An excellent turnout had a very enjoyable afternoon enhanced by excellent refreshments kindly provided by various Club members. Photos and scoresheet below. The four finalists were rewarded with a bottle of wine each for their efforts, and the winning pair, Brian Astbury & Tim Georgeson, will be presented with their trophies at a later date.


Scoresheet (click to enlarge):

The season has concluded for our Stoke Men's and Staffs Ladies teams, and both have performed admirably. On an individual note, congratulations to Ken Marshall for achieving the highest aggregate, which took him to 4th place in the Division totals. Grandson Kyle couldn't hold on to his aggregate prize, but still achieved the highest average amongst our players. For the Ladies, congratulations to Anthea, Carole, Renee and Rose who finished 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th respectively in the Division averages.

The Club extends its sympathy to former Club stalwart Dave Beech, on the loss of his wife, Sheila. May she rest in peace.

The odds were that this glorious summer would come to an end before our Garden party, but, of course, the sun shines on the righteous so we were OK. An excellent turnout ensured that a goodly sum of money was raised for Club funds, and the Club owes a huge debt of gratitude to Carole and her family for the use of their garden, and also many thanks to the many tireless volunteers without whom such events are not possible. Here are some photos from a lovely afternoon:

Many congratulations to Rashmi Katbamna, who finished as runner-up in the Staffordshire County Ladies Bowling Association 'Nancy Hackwood Cup' on Sunday 29th July. Rashmi is pictured here with her impressive trophy.

On Saturday 4th August the Club sucessfully hosted a qualifying round in the Saturday Mixed League Triples Competition. Our Triples team of Brian & Rose Astbury with Carole Duffy unfortunately lost 21-10 to a team from Wolstanton Park in the first round of their qualifying competition staged at New Stoke Park.

Congratulations to Emma Dawson, who has passed her degree at Loughborough. Emma is now free to concentrate on the important things in life e.g. Bowling!

In the Saturday Mixed League Doubles Competition qualifying rounds on Saturday 16th June, Carole and Andrew at Wolstanton Park won their first match against Trent Vale 21-17, but were beaten in the second round 21-12 by the pair from Knypersley. Many thanks to Josh from the host club for scoring. Jan and Ken were unfortunately knocked out 21-14 in their first match against Hem Heath at Hollybush.

There are plans for a summer social day with internal bowls competition at the Club, which will take place towards the end of the summer.

The Club extends its sincere sympathy to Ladies Team Captain Carole Duffy on the loss of her father. May he rest in peace.

In order to comply with BCGBA rules, the Club is now required to have a trained Safeguarding Officer. Brian Astbury was kind enough to take on the job, and is pictured here (just!) with his fellow trainees:

As members will know, the marsh grass has been spreading on the green, and so it was decided to lay a new drainage pipe along the edge of the green in front of the 'North Stand'. The pipe is connected to the drainage ducts in the rough area to the side of the green, and has been covered in a membrane and then a layer of gravel. The bowling gully in front of the stand is now wider than it used to be, and the one remaining task is to cover the gravel with a layer of soil, then a membrane, and finally woodchip.Photos of three days of hard, wet and muddy work are below. A huge vote of thanks to the willing (!) workers (Des, Brian A, Brian B, Alan, Neil and Andrew), and in particular to non-member Chris Roberts (the man with the digger), who went way beyond the call of duty.

At the 2018 AGM of the Stoke Men's league, our team picked up a cash prize for finishing in 4th place, whilst Kyle Marshall was awarded a trophy for finishing top of the League Division Six Aggregates. Incidentally, Barry Massey has agreed to step in as temporary League Secretary, so the League will be continuing for 2018 at least.

2018 Annual Club lunch and trophy presentation:

We returned to The Upper House in Barlaston for a lunch enjoyed by almost 30 Club members and their partners. We were well looked after by new Manager Jo and her staff, and although the lunch was perhaps a little expensive, there were plenty of empty plates, so it seems it was enjoyed by all. An innovation this year was a trophy presentation ceremony, where the following received prizes from Chairman Gareth:

Stoke League Highest average: Kyle Marshall (accepted on his behalf by Neil Jeffs).

Ladies League Highest average: Rashmi Katbamna (accepted on her behalf by Val Robinson).

Newcastle League Highest average: Rashmi Katbamna (accepted on her behalf by Val Robinson).

Internal Doubles Tournament winners: Neil Jeffs and Mick Manning.

Club Member of the Year: Alan Corbett.


2017 Season review:

For the second season running, one of our teams has been promoted, and so pride of place goes to the Saturday Mixed ‘A’ team who finished second in Division Two and should be in Division One in 2018. Winning six away games was the key to success, along with consistent scoring – only twice did the team fail to register 140 points in a match. The new ‘B’ team made their debut and finished 9th. With the team consisting of largely new members of the Club, there was no real ‘home advantage’, but that will change next year, and should lead to more than 5 home wins.
After their promotion last year, our Newcastle League team found life tough in Division Two, but on a personal level, congratulations to Rashmi who finished high in the League averages.
In the Oakhill League, our ‘A’ team did very well to consolidate in mid-table of Division Four following last season’s promotion. If it wasn’t for poor away form (only one win) they could have done even better. Our new ‘B’ team struggled a little and also only picked up one away win but hopefully things will pick up next year.
Our Stoke League team were flirting with possible promotion for much of the season, but injury to Carl (who had been having a fantastic season) saw the team fall away to repeat last season’s (more than respectable) finish of 4th.On an individual note Kyle finished top of the League aggregates.
The Ladies team saw a vast improvement on 2016, as they finished comfortably mid-table.
Away from competition, our improved green and surrounds received many favourable comments from visiting players, so it is good to see our investment in the Club bearing fruit. This also enabled us to act as a neutral host green for various tournaments. We had also had a successful Open Day and internal Doubles Competition, and continue to attract new members.
Work has already begun on further ground improvements for 2018 as we continue to progress the Club. Well done to all Club members for your efforts both on and off the Green.


The Doubles Tournament saw the conclusion of competitive bowls for this season, which means groundworks can start! Still concerned with the dampness of the green closest to the main stand, a couple of exploratory holes were dug, without finding any real hopes for an improvement. So attention turned to the entrance area, where some old floor tiling and steps have been uncovered which should lead to easier access once they have been tidied up and 'Health and Safety' measures taken.

< Before < After

The Club held what may well become an annual internal Doubles Competition on Saturday 7th October. 16 players took part and were drawn out of a hat into 8 teams. The 8 teams were then divided into two groups whereby each team in each group played each other in a round-robin format in a series of 11 end matches. The winners of each group played each other in the Final, which saw Mick Manning and Neil Jeffs defeat Tony Goldsmith and Brian Bromley. The mid-competition interval was enlivened by a 'nearest bowl to the middle' event which saw Jane Hart win a bottle of wine. Many thanks to Adam (?!) for the organisation.

Full scorecard and photos below:


Congratulations to our Saturday Mixed League 'A' team who have finished second in the League, and should therefore be promoted to Division One in 2018. Our team scored 140 in the final match, which wasn't quite enough to guarantee second place, but fortunately New Stoke Park could only manage 171 in their final match.

Our new Oakhill 'B' team finished 9th in their inaugural season - room for improvement!

Following their promotion to Division Four last season, our Oakhill 'A' team did very well to consolidate in a comfortable mid-table 6th place.

Club stalwart and former Treasurer Arie de Pee and his wife Margaret recently celebrated 60 happy years of married life. This marvellous achievement was recorded for posterity in The Sentinel, as can be seen here. Congratulations Arie and Margaret!

The final Ladies League Table has been published and our team has finished in a very creditable 5th position, representing a vast improvement on 2016 - well done Ladies! The published individual averages for the Division is a mystery, as it seems Rashmi ought to be about 7th, but for some reason she doesn't appear!

A qualified Coach is available to run informal coaching sessions at the Club on Sunday afternoons until the end of the season. Anyone who feels they need a little help (probably all of us!) please ring 07954 161907 to find out more details.

The Newcastle League run a 'Champion of Champions' Competition each season. Our entrant this year was Rashmi, who was extremely unfortunate to be drawn against the eventual winner in the first round. Rashmi scored a very praiseworthy 15 against him, and, as mentioned below, has represented the Club excellently this season in this League.

The final league Table for the Stoke League saw our team repeat last year's performance to finish 4th. A lowest score of the season in the final match saw the chance to finish 3rd go to waste. On an individual note many congratulations to Kyle who finished TOP of the League Aggregates (Mick Wainwright was also 14th), and Kyle was also in the top ten of the averages.

The final league Table for the Newcastle League has been published. Following last season's excellent promotion, our team found life somewhat tougher in Division two and finished 7th. On an individual note however, congratulations to Rashmi who finished 8th in the League averages.

Saturday 29th July saw the big grudge match between...

the Saturday Mixed 'A' team:

and the Saturday Mixed 'B' team:

The rain stayed away, and after 8 of the 9 matches, the 'A' team held a narrow 2 point lead, and in the final doubles match, the Club Chairman and Secretary pulled rank to ensure an overall 5 point victory for the 'A' team.

The match provided the excuse for the Club to hold an Open Day, which attracted four newcomers, who hopefully liked what they saw and will be back for more. Everybody contributed to the excellent refreshments which rounded off the day, and over £55 was raised for the Club. Photos from a most enjoyable day are below.

Two locals (a mother and daughter) had heard that keeping the green surrounds neat and tidy is an expensive and time-consuming exercise, so they came along to help out:

Mid-Season review:

In the Newcastle League our team is finding the higher Division a bit of a struggle, but on an individual level, Rashmi is 5th in the Division averages. In the Oakhill League, our 'A' team are solidly mid-table in Division 4, whilst the new 'B' team are still finding their feet in Division 5, but hopefully will push towards mid-table in the second half of the season. On Saturdays our two teams are both in the same Division, and, as the description would suggest, the 'A' team are doing slightly better than the 'B' team, although both teams are performing well, with two vital away wins each. The Stoke Men's Team are second in Division 6, by virtue of scoring very well in every match, even when defeated. A top three finish is very much on the cards. On the individual front, both Kyle and Carl are in the top four of the Division averages.Finally, after struggling for the last couple of seasons, I'm delighted to observe that the Ladies Team are recording much better results this season, and sit comfortably mid-table. Once again, on the individual front, Rashmi is riding high, being 4th in the Division averages.

In other matters, our improved green has received much praise, both from opposition teams, and, as a neutral venue for various competitions. The new stand (built almost single-handedly by Alan) has proved to be a very welcome addition to our facilities. We continue to attract new members, and hopefully our forthcoming Open Day will bring even more. All in all, much to look forward to for the rest of the season.


Whilst our Club hosted some qualifying matches in the Saturday Mixed League Doubles Competition, we had two teams competing on other greens. Sadly neither Rashmi & Steve, or Jan & Kyle progressed to the next stage, but better luck next year.

Unfortunately Des and Dave's appearance in the Stone Festival Bowls Finals day was somewhat brief, but here's some photos to prove that at least they got that far!

Ever wondered how the cabin and the new stand suddenly appear much greener - is it a team of magic elves? If so, here's the chief one caught on camera:

The Club hosted a preliminary round for the Stone Festival Bowls Doubles Knockout Competition on Friday 12th May at 6.00pm. Despite changeable weather, the evening proved to be a success, with our improved green coming in for much praise. Particular thanks to Val and Rashmi for their help with refreshments, and to Steve for measuring. Congratulations on the green to Brian Bromley and his team mate Hilary who progressed through to the next round.

The Club extends its sincere sympathy to youngest member Emma Dawson on the loss of her grandmother, Rita. May she rest in peace.

A slight case of dyslexia, as our new stand asked for a "short back and sides", but instead received a short sides and back! Seriously though, it's a work in progress and not far off completion now.

Congratulations to Stoke Men's Team Captain Neil Jeffs, who celebrated a milestone birthday on Friday 14th April. Which milestone? - suffice to say he will qualify for the Oakhill Jubilee League in exactly ten years time.

The roof has gone on the new stand - at the moment it's keeping the sun off, but no doubt that will soon change to rain!

As mentioned previously, Kyle Marshall finished as runner-up in the Newcastle League Division Three Champions of Champions 2016 Tournament, held at Wolstanton Park. Kyle was presented with his prize for this achievement by Team Captain, Brian Astbury.

The photo was taken on the occasion of the internal practice match between our Stoke Men's and Newcastle Teams. There were many very close games and the overall result saw a narrow victory for the Stoke Team. Most importantly everybody got in some semi-serious practice before the imminent start of the League season.Rumours of the improvements to our Green and surrounds even brought a surprise visit from former Club Members the Beech boys, who gave us a quick rendition of "Good Vibrations"...oh sorry, not those Beech boys!!

As most of you will be aware, our team in the Oakhill League in 2016 finished second in Division Five. Members of the squad are pictured here with their magnificent trophy. The photo was taken prior to the practice match between our 2017 Oakhill 'A' and 'B' teams, which resulted in a narrow victory for the 'B' team. Unfortunately, a vital member of the Squad, Club Chairman Gareth, was unable to be present for the photo, or maybe he just wanted a separate picture of his own! Well done everyone involved!

Despite the drizzle, an enthusiastic team of volunteers did a splendid job on the Club Clear-up day on 1st April. Thanks to your efforts the ground is looking spick and span and all ready for the new season.

Work has begun on the new Stand - book now to reserve your Season Tickets!!


The Club extends its sincere sympathy to the family and friends of Raymond Stowe, an occasional Friday afternoon social bowler, who sadly passed away recently. Rest in Peace, Raymond.

A hive of activity on Wednesday March 15th, as the concrete was delivered which will form the base of the new Stand. The surplus concrete was used to firm-up the area in front of the existing Stand, and to build a ramp to the Tool Shed. Huge thanks to Chief Organiser Alan, and his willing team of helpers, Brian, John, Neil, Des, Steve, Andrew, and Rashmi, and not forgetting Val who did the vital job of keeping the tea and coffee flowing.

Despite the fact that the missing results have still to be published, it was declared at the Newcastle League AGM that our team had finished runners-up in Division Three, and will be promoted to Division Two for 2017. This earned a prize of £30, and there was also confirmation of individual success, as Kyle Marshall finished as runner-up in the Division Three Champions of Champions Tournament, held at Wolstanton Park.

At the AGM of the Saturday Mixed League, we were advised that we will be unable to enter a second team in the League for 2017. With Neil Jeffs taking over as Captain of the Stoke Men's Team, it has been decided to ease Neil's workload by having Des Robinson as Captain of the Saturday team for 2017.

An excellent annual Club Lunch was enjoyed by 40 members and their partners at The Upper House in Barlaston. As mentioned by Club Chairman Gareth, we were well looked after by Phil and his staff, and Gareth also took the opportunity to thank Secretary Renee for organising the event, and to comment on the growing numbers and improving facilities at the Club, which hopefully reflect the friendly nature of our Club.


At the 2017 AGM of the Stoke On Trent & District Bowling League, the Club was presented with a prize of £35 for finishing 4th in Division Six of the Men's League in 2016. Congratulations to Skipper Keith Hughes and the team!


Friday 2nd December was a hive of activity at the Club, as we brought in a mini-digger to dig out the foundations for the new Stand. Some of the removed earth/clinker was used to build up the bank behind the new backing boards in front of the home seating. At the same time Steve continued his excellent work painting the backing boards, and Des did more work on the Green. We are ahead of schedule, and with any luck will have a green and surrounds to be really proud of for the 2017 season.


The Club extends its sincere sympathy to Ian Goodman on the loss of his mother, Beryl. Beryl was a resident of Heyfields, and is seen here celebrating her 100th birthday earlier this year.

The new backboards in front of the 'home' seating are now fixed in place - next job is to build up the bank behind them. John Plant has constructed a new handrail for the corner that will be in much more use once the new stand is built.

Many thanks to those who attended the 2016 AGM (over 20) - the Minutes are on the Membership page. The changes affecting the Contacts page will appear in the New Year once all aspects have been ratified.

Work continues on the green - it's beginning to look "all white"!



The Club extends its sincere sympathy to Carl Williams on the loss of his father-in-law Jim, who passed away on October 25th. Jim was a staunch supporter of Carl and the Stoke Men's League team, and his stentorian cry of "cracking wood!" will live long in the memory. RIP Jim.

Groundworks to the green have taken place on October 27th, so the green is now out of use until next year. The green has been scarified, seeded, fertilised, and had top-dressing applied. We've had a lot of praise this season for the improvement to the green, and this work should ensure further improvement for next year.

You may have noticed as you drive past that a car has crashed into the perimeter fence; this has been boarded-up, and the matter has been brought to the attention of St Modwen.

It is hoped that now work is starting in earnest on the St Modwen site that security will be improved, as we have had yet another break-in recently, although fortunately it seems nothing was taken this time. In his letter to St Modwen our Chairman has also raised the question of the dead trees near the Clubhouse which need to be felled, as well as seeking assurances as to St Modwen's continued commitment to the Bowls Club, which may assist us in obtaining any grants towards improving facilities. In the meantime, new scaffolding boards have been purchased, creosoted and painted ready for forming the green surrounds.

It is hoped that as many of you as possible will attend the AGM - it's YOUR Club and your input is vital. This is a chance to air any grievances you may have, and/or make any suggestions that you may think will improve the Club on or off the green. All contributions would be most welcome.

Work has started on reconstructing the edge of the green in front of the 'home team' seating, but the green is still in use, so why not take advantage of these last days of summer. Be warned however - there's now nothing to stop a few rabbits joining you!

Well done to the Saturday Mixed Team , who finished 5th in 2016, missing out on 4th place by only ten points. This is a great improvement on last year, so well done to everyone involved.

Please allow me to remove my 'neutral' webmaster hat, and say a huge personal thankyou to everyone at the Club who made my special birthday so memorable. The cards, gifts, and number of people who turned out for the party was truly overwhelming, and indicative of what a tremendously friendly and social Club we are - long may it continue. More importantly, the team won as well! Thank you all again, and here are some photos from the day. - Andrew

Our team in the Oakhill league have finished second, and therefore, all things being equal, should be promoted for next season. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

The final table for the Ladies league has been published, with our ladies finishing 10th. A difficult season , but the green shoots of recovery are there, and hopefully things will improve for next season.

The sun honoured us with its presence at our Garden Party, generously hosted by Carole Duffy. The ladies team presented their joint Captains Carole and Rosemary with bouquets to thank them for their efforts during the season. Steve Kettle won the lawn darts competition, and Club Chairman Gareth presented Carole with a bouquet on behalf of the Club to thank her for hosting the Party, which has raised around £300 for the Club. It was great to see Jill Corbett and Margaret Goodman at the party after their recent health scares, and we hope this happy event will aid them on the road to full recovery. Here are some photos which hopefully capture the mood of the day:

At last!!! It took all season, but the Ladies finally managed to win a game - their last match of the season. Well done to the ladies for keeping up their morale under such trying circumstances, and it is worth noting that despite all those defeats, they scored consistently and therefore will not finish bottom of the League. Plans for an open-top bus tour through Barlaston on Saturday, culminating at the village Show/Fete, had to be cancelled due to the inclement weather!

Look out for an article on our Club training day on page 33 of the September edition of The Stone & Eccleshall Gazette.

The Club wishes to extend its sincere sympathies to Dave Jones on the sad loss of his wife - may she rest in peace.

The final league table for the Stoke men's league has been published, and we have finished in a very creditable 4th place - a great improvement on last season, and only 36 points away from finishing second! Well done to skipper Keith Hughes and the team.

Well done to Mick Manning, whose efforts in running a weekly raffle this season have raised over £120 for the Club - many thanks Mick!

Many thanks to Brian Astbury for these photos from various fixtures this season:

Garden party poster: (Carole would welcome any contributions towards stalls).

Ever since the redevelopment of the St Modwen site has been announced we have received verbal assurances that our Club/green would be protected. The Club is now delighted to advise that these assurances have been put in writing. Following on from this, the Club continues to be in liaison with St Modwen with a view to re-establishing water and electricity supplies.

Coaching Day:

General opinion was that the Coaching Day was a huge success. Many thanks to Carole Duffy for getting in touch with National Coach Alan Tizard and arranging it all, and to Carole and her team of ladies for providing excellent refreshments which sustained participants throughout a long but rewarding day. Nothwithstanding all the excellent personal advice and tips from Alan and his four colleagues, perhaps the most useful and educational part of the day was seeing yourself on video - not always a pretty sight but very interesting! (Thanks to Brian for setting up the generator). It was also very pleasing to hear the Coaches say that we were one of the friendliest Clubs they had visited.

Was it pure coincidence that on the next day the Saturday team won all their matches?!

Here are some photos of an excellent day (which, as always, you can click on to see full screen):

Next Friday (29th July) the Club will be holding a Training Day, hosted by National Coach Alan Tizard. Cost will be £10 per head, and refreshments will be provided. The session will run from 10.00 until about 3.30, so there will be no social bowling that day until after that time. Anyone who wants to take part, and who hasn't already contacted Carole Duffy, please let her know as soon as possible.

Mid-Season review:

Tradition has dictated that this review starts with the Ladies team, partly because it’s the gentlemanly thing to do, but mainly because they’ve been our most successful team. Unfortunately this year has been more of a struggle. The team is recruiting from a very small pool of players, two of whom are not only new to the team, but new to the game of bowls. The majority of their remaining games are at home, so, in the immortal words of D:ream, ‘Things can only get better’!
The Oakhill team are, as usual, going well (3rd  at the time of writing).   It has often been stated in these reviews that more away wins are needed, and the Oakhill team have three so far, which is much to their credit.
The Saturday  team’s good performances are perhaps not reflected in their League position. Undefeated at home, and with two away wins, the season has been blighted by a disastrous weekend when a rearranged fixture on a Friday night, and the next day’s normal game, saw two heavy away defeats.
The Stoke men’s team are another  whose performances are not reflected in their League position. Although most of their remaining games are at home, their away record has actually been better so far, with two away wins, so it will be interesting to see how the season pans out.
The big success story of the year has been our debut in the Newcastle League. Performing equally well at home and away, the team are currently second and in with a real chance of promotion.
On a general note, we have managed to recruit several new players, and whilst more are always welcome, we have to strike a balance which ensures that as many players as possible are able to get a regular game.
Away from the playing side of the Club, following the large outlay on a one-off treatment by a professional groundsman last year, the efforts this season of new recruit Des Robinson and his colleagues has seen a vast improvement in the quality of the Green, which has received many comments of approval from visiting players. The Club continue to work on improving the facilities, so watch this space!


You will have noticed the improved condition of the green this year. A lot of this is due to the hard work of Des Robinson and his colleagues, and here they are hard at work in June.


We're not just 'fair-weather' bowlers at this Club!

The Club wishes to extend its best wishes for a speedy and full recovery to Alan Corbett's wife Jill.

As some of you will know, on April 30th, the Saturday League match was cancelled because of a hail-logged green! What was Robert Browning thinking when he wrote "O to be in England now that April's there"?!

Clean-up Day

Many thanks to all those who turned up to ready the Club for the new season, which is only a couple of weeks away. Thanks to the hard work of the ladies who came along (Anthea, Jane and Renee) the Clubhouse and Toilet are bright eyed and bushy tailed, and whilst there's still a bit of work to do on the Green and surrounds, the bulk of this job has been done, and the Monday afternoon team should have everything done by the time the season starts. Speaking of which, Friday social bowling will resume on March 25th (Good Friday).

We are having a clean-up day on Friday, 18 March 2016 at 2.00pm.  Below is a list of the work we hope to do, and we hope as many of you as possible will come along to help.

Jobs List

Clean and tidy Clubhouse and kitchen area

Clean Toilet Hut

Tidy up garden area in front of clubhouse

Weed crazy paving area and steps

Paint benches with wood preserver

Weed path round the green

Burn rubbish by Car Park and by the tennis courts


Sorry for the short notice but with Easter being early this year it limited our choice.

The Club wishes to extend its sincere sympathies to Mick Wainwright, whose wife Davina has sadly lost her long battle against illness. Davina was always very supportive of Mick's bowling, and none more so than when Mick picked up the trophy for being best performer in the Stoke League team in 2015. May Davina rest in peace.

2016 Annual Club Lunch:

For the second year running our lunch venue was The Upper House in Barlaston. A windy but not unpleasant day (considering it's February) did not stop 32 people attending. Everyone seemed to have a good time, and in his address, Chairman Gareth Jones announced apologies from those who were unfortunately unable to attend, and then gave a warm welcome to new members who were joining this occasion for the first time. He also thanked new Secretary Renee for her excellent organisation of the event, and Treasurer Andrew for ensuring the Club had sufficient funds to supply the drinks for the lunch. Gareth also commended the work of the Monday afternoon Work Party for their efforts on the Green and surrounds, and was hopeful that as the overall site is developed, St Modwen will endeavour to improve the infrastructure around the Club grounds, although this may be a year or two in the future.

Club Lunch, Sunday 21st February:

Please arrive at The Upper House from 12.30 for a 1.00 pm start. The Club will once again pay for your drinks, but please try not to take too much advantage of the Club's generosity in this regard. The Treasurer will take payment for the lunch on the day, and will also accept payment of the annual Club subs. Above all, have a good time!

The menu is now available from Renee, and has been sent to those members on email. If you are aware of anyone planning to attend who is not on email, please pass a copy on. Renee needs to know your choices prior to 14th February, and any special dietary requirements should also be made known. The cost will remain £18 per head.

Despite the intrusion of the festive season, work has continued apace at the Club. New fencing has been installed in front of the 'away' team seats, and the plan is to build up the ground behind the fence in order to virtually eliminate the dangerous dip that previously existed.


Happy New Year to one and all!!

Merry Christmas everyone!!

With effect from 12.00 noon on Monday 7th December, the code number for the entry gates will change. The new code will not be posted here, but anyone on email has been advised.

An update on the generator situation - the new toilet system only requires occasional use of a generator, and we hope to be able to borrow generators as and when we need one.

As some of you will know, the Club suffered yet another break-in last week (around 24th/25th Nov), and the most valuable item taken was the Generator. Not only did this have significant monetary value, it was also a key component in our new toilet system, so is unfortunately quite a blow. The relevant authorities have been informed, and any updates on the situation will appear here. Earlier in the week we procured three large water tanks as part of the toilet function, which hopefully will not be in vain, despite this latest setback.

Thank you to all who attended the Club AGM. The changes to the elected Officers are now reflected on the Contacts page, and the full Minutes are available on the Membership page (click on them to see them full screen).

The Club AGM will take place on Thursday 12th November at 7pm in the Ruth Dickson room at Barlaston Village Hall. Please make every effort to attend as there one or two vacant positions to be filled, and some important matters to be discussed. If you know anyone not on Computer or email please let them know these details.

Season Review 2015:

Once again pride of place goes to the Ladies team, who finished in 6th place (out of 12) in their League. In common with all our teams, it was the home form that stood them in good stead, and they also managed one win on the road. Carol Duffy picked up the individual honours, and was presented with her trophy by Pam and Margaret before their departure.

After initial concerns about a lack of players, the Men's team ended up having to adopt a rotation system. They finished 9th (out of 12), mainly due to 9 home wins, but unfortunately they were unable to win away, despite twice coming very close. Mick Wainwright picked up the individual honours, and was presented with the trophy in front of his very proud wife by Captain Keith Hughes.

The Oakhill team started the season very well, but then faded, and eventually finished 10th (out of 12). Seven home wins were backed up by one away win.

The Saturday Mixed team finished 8th (out of 11). The Team won 9 out of 10 at home, which was the second best record in the League, and also managed two away wins.

Well done to all the new Captains, and their deputies, who have kept all the teams running smoothly this year.

Off the field the Club gained ten new members over the summer, which was much needed after the loss of the Marshalls and Beechs last year, and the more recent departure of Pam and Margaret. Various positions are up for grabs for the new season, and it is hoped there will be no shortage of volunteers at the forthcoming AGM.


The green has been subject to a major restoration effort on Thursday 1st October, which it is hoped will lead to a much smoother surface next year. Consequently the green is now out of bounds until further notice. This is obviously unfortunate in view of the current indian summer, but the long-term future of the green is paramount.


The Monday afternoon team, under the leadership of John Plant (and with a little help from Heath Robinson!) have rigged up a system which will enable the Club Toilet to function again, until such time as the water supply is restored.

This does of course mean we have to say a sad farewell to the Portaloo, which is no bad thing, as in the immortal words of Abba,

Portaloo - Couldn't escape if I wanted to
Portaloo - Knowing my fate is to be with you
Portaloo - Finally facing my Portaloo


Members may like to be aware that a fictional book has been published which reflects the humour that can be found within the bowling community. I've no idea of its quality, but if anyone wants to purchase it, details are below.

Due to inclement weather, the Friday afternoon (Aug 14th) friendly against U3A was cancelled. If an alternative date can be found, it will be announced here.

Pam and Margaret's farewell Garden Party:

We were blessed with fine weather for what proved to be a lovely afternoon, and it was great to see such a large turn out, which reflects the high esteem and love felt for two ladies who will be sorely missed in many ways. Many thanks to Gareth for providing the venue (although those who tried to have a bowl found the green rather slow!), and to Renee for co-hosting. Thanks also to those who contributed to the fabulous spread, which was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Pam and Margaret have asked for the following message to be made known to all members:

"We really appreciate all the efforts everyone made to make the Garden party such an enjoyable and memorable occasion for us. The catering was excellent and the cakes were works of art. Special thanks to Gareth and Renee for hosting it and providing a beautiful setting and perfect weather.  Many thanks to you all".





Friday 14th August will see what has become almost the annual friendly match against U3A. Please contact Brian and/or Rose if you are willing/able to play.


Coaching Day on this Friday 31st July CANCELLED, due to unavailability of coaches. The Club apologises to all who have made special arrangements to attend and help out, and it is hoped the day can be arranged at some time in the future.

FREE Coaching Day, Friday 31st July

This date is rapidly approaching and there are just a few places available - BOOK EARLY (with Adele) TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT!!

Mid-Season Review

Once again the Ladies team are leading the way, currently lying 4th in their League, having won 6 and lost 6 of their matches, including one away win.Several individuals are figuring highly in the current player averages according to the League website.

The Oakhill team are perhaps not quite performing to the level of recent seasons, as they currently lie 7th in their League. They've won 6 and lost five of their games, including one away win.

The Saturday Mixed Team are also struggling a little, as they are currently 9th in the table, having won 4 and lost 5 of their matches. Again they have picked up just one away win.

The Men's team are also 9th, having won 5 and lost 7 of their matches. They have yet to win away, despite twice having come within a handful of points of that achievement. Current player averages according to the League website are: Bill 2.90, Carl 0.00, Keith -0.11, Mick W -0.60, Neil -1.20, Brian -1.44, Dave -2.17, Andrew Maddams -2.33, Arie, -3.10, John -3.50, Andrew Marshall -4.67, Mick M -6.10, Ralph -19.00. Special praise is due to Bill and Mick W who are both performing brilliantly despite difficult home circumstances.

Overall the Club is recovering well from the loss of several stalwart players from previous seasons, and it is heartening to see the healthy number of new players who have been recruited, some of whom are already making good contributions to League teams. The closure of Meaford Road has had one positive effect, in that home games are much quieter, but the lack of a water supply remains a frustrating issue.

On the positive front, two big events are ahead of us, a Training Day and a Garden Party (see below), which hopefully will both be well-supported, and we look forward to improved League results in the second half of the Season.


FREE Coaching Day, Friday 31st July

One of our new members, Adele Leigh, has kindly arranged a training day at the Club. There will be no charge for the course, and refreshments will be provided by the Club, so you really have nothing to lose except your time!

Its a very honourable event as we have Mr Tizard (National Coach), Bob Marsh ( Regional Coach for Staffordshire, Warwickshire & Worcestershire) and Brian Chamberlain - BCGBA Lead Video Coach attending.

Adele will be taking one group, Bob Marsh another and the other two groups will be taken by those who are having the assessment for level 2.

Brian Chamberlain will be taking each group for video coaching throughout the day.

We need to have at least 15 people to partake, and it is hoped that as many of you as possible will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity. Full details of the FREE course are provided in the leaflet below (click to see full screen), and please let Adele know if you are planning to attend.

Garden Party, August 9th

In order to recognise Pam and Margaret's massive contribution to the Club, Chairman Gareth Jones will be hosting a Garden Party in their honour. All Club members and partners are invited, including Friday social bowlers. The below invitation (click to see full screen) is being emailed to as many members as possible, and hard copies are available for anyone who cannot be contacted electronically. You will notice that Gareth would appreciate an indication of your attendance in order to assist catering arrangements. It will undoubtedly be a day of mixed emotions, but hopefully as many of you as possible will come along to say a fond farewell to Pam and Margaret.


Watch this space for news of an exciting coaching day at the Club - details to follow later.

Members should be aware that Club Officials, led by Chairman Gareth Jones, are in constant contact with both St Modwen and Severn Trent Water in an effort to resolve the current unacceptable water situation.

Two more potential new members came along and gave us a try on Friday 5th - a warm welcome to Liz and Graham, and we hope to see much more of you.

Delighted to report Anthea is now back home, and hopefully will be back showing off her skills before too long.


Visitors to the Club can currently enjoy a colourful experience.

The Club would like to extend its best wishes to Anthea, and hopes she has a full and speedy recovery.

This perhaps a good time to thank everyone involved in our recent 'recruitment drive', and to extend a warm welcome to new members, Ralph, Dave, Bill, Jane, Steve, Adele and Di. We hope you enjoy bowling with us and will stay with us for years to come.

Those of you who have been recently "inconvenienced" at the Club, will be pleased to know a Portaloo has now been installed.

In case you are not aware, there are links on the Home page to the websites for the Ladies' and Men's Leagues, which provide more detailed averages/results etc if you are interested.

The Saturday Mixed Team began the season with a resounding home victory, and you will notice from their results page that Norton Central have withdrawn from their League, which releases two Saturdays from the schedule.

Barlaston WI have informed us they will resume their Thursday afternoon bowling on 14th May.

The first Friday afternoon social bowling of the season took place in glorious weather, and it was great to see some new faces, all of whom we hope were sufficiently encouraged to come along again, and hopefully in due course become members.

The Ladies team fully exacted revenge for the Men's team result against Bucknall Ex, no doubt helped by a lot of support, including Mr and Mrs Boswell.

Let's get ready to rumble!:

Thanks to everyone who came along to the two recent clean-up sessions - their work, together with the regular efforts of the Monday afternoon team, mean that we are all set for the start of the new season. In addition the Green has been scarified (on 8th April) and the ditches weeded,, so we are all ready for the first home match of the season, which sees the ladies hosting Bucknall Ex on 9th April.

St Modwen and Severn Trent Water have so far been unable to trace the source of the water leak, and have therefore turned down the water supply to a minimum. There is sufficient pressure for us to supply refreshments, but our newly-decorated Toilet is currently out of commission. Fortunately, however, we have been able to secure access to the nearby toilet block, so apart from the inconvenience (pardon the pun) of a two minute walk, this problem has been resolved.

The closure of the south (A34) end of Meaford Road has been put back to 8th May, with Rookery Lane closed from 27th April, but as most people approach the Club from the north (village) end of Meaford Road, this should hopefully not be too much of a problem.

Unfortunately the men's team started the season with a defeat, but the good news was a return to competitive action for Bill Boswell, who only lost by the narrowest possible margin, and played like he had never been away - welcome back Bill!



The threat of inclement weather saw somewhat reduced numbers on the second clear-up day, but there was still some good work done. The new season beckons!

The 2015 fixtures are now on the website. All our teams are in 12 team Leagues this year, which leads to a more even spread of fixtures, as well as seasons of similar length. The 'Other Club Addresses' page has been updated with the 'new' teams we will be facing in 2015, and the 'Contacts' page has been personalised!

The first of two clear-up days took place on 23rd March, and some of the participants are shown here, both working away, and having a well-earned cuppa afterwards. The Green is now safe to play on - the bobbles on the green are in fact a good sign as they are bits of dead moss. The second clear-up takes place on 30th March, and after that the Green will be scarified, ready for the first home match of the season on 9th April (ladies first, as it should be). Incidentally, all our fixtures will appear on this website later this week.



The green has been treated with some feed and moss-killer on 10th March, and to ensure that this treatment is most effective, it is strongly requested that everyone keeps off the green until further notice. Unfortunately this means there will be little opportunity for practice on our green before the season-proper starts, but recent weather has been against us being able to treat the green any earlier.

Unfortunately, the Club has been the victim of some vandalism, with the Toilet door being damaged. The door has been repaired, and the attack has been reported to St Modwen in the hope that they will make some efforts to improve security at the site. Incidentally, some of the potholes at the main gate have been (crudely) filled in, making the entrance a little smoother.

There have been some amendments to the Team Captain line-ups for the 2015 season, and these are reflected on the Contacts page.

2015 Club Lunch:

Despite blizzard conditions that would have made Robert Falcon Scott think twice, there was an excellent turn out for the annual lunch at a new venue, The Upper House in (appropriately) Barlaston. We were well looked after by our hosts, and the general opinion on the food was favourable. Chairman Gareth Jones took the opportunity to thank Arie for arranging the lunch, the Monday afternoon team for their work towards solving the drainage problem, and to Pam for her initiative in producing a leaflet which can be handed to potential new members, of which we need a few. Everyone was also delighted to see the Boswells in attendance, and we hope to see more of them throughout the forthcoming season.

Annual Clear-up:

We are very grateful to the Monday afternoon grounds working group for all their hard work - even during the winter!  Since many hands make light work, they would welcome support from all those who can make it on either Monday, March 23rd or Monday, March 30th between 2pm-3.30pm to get the green and surrounds and clubhouse ready for the season.  We know that the ladies start their season on April 9th so we need to be ready for then.

Don't forget the annual Club Lunch this coming Sunday (details below). Payment can be made to Andrew on the day, and annual subscriptions are also welcome. Don't worry if you've forgotten your menu choices - Pam and Andrew will have available copies of your selections.


For those of you not aware, the Club unfortunately suffered a break-in, in which our petrol-driven strimmer, and a few smaller items were stolen. The matter has been reported to the police, and apparently this is one of a number of such incidents that have taken place in the Meaford Road area. Let's hope the perpetrator(s) are soon apprehended.

Green Improvements six:

The wire fencing to keep out the rabbits has now been replaced, and new backboards have been fitted along half of the side of the green we have been working on. The inside of the toilet has also received its first coat of white paint. There's still plenty of work to do as time and weather permits.


We have now heard back from U3A regarding our offer to make use of our green. U3A have decided to continue using their existing facilities, although they did appreciate our offer. They have also noted that our Friday afternoon social bowling is open to allcomers, and so there may be a few U3A members who take advantage of that.


The annual Club Lunch will take place on Sunday February 22nd at The Upper House in Barlaston, ST12 9AE at 12.30 for 1.00pm. Cost per person will be £18, payable on the day to Andrew. Menus are available now from Pam, and please let her know your choices in advance.


Happy 2015 to all!

Happy Christmas to everyone!


Following the recent AGM, a small 'sub-committee' met, and have decided to formally approach a Groundsman in order to carry out various 'one-off' jobs. An offer has also been made to Stone U3A to ascertain whether or not they wish to hire our green at certain specified times. Furthermore, an appeal for more players will appear in the December/January edition of the Parish Magazine.

Green Improvements Five:

The trench has now been filled in to a certain degree, but some leeway has been left for the fitting of new (scaffolding) boards, to replace the rotten ones that have been removed. The new boards will be the next job, but as the weather worsens, the plan is also to paint the inside of the toilet.

Green Improvements Four:

The new drainage pipe has now been laid along the entire length of the right-hand side of the Green, with short sections also turning the corners at both ends. The next stage of re-filling the gutter has begun.

NB 2014 AGM Minutes: Moved to Membership page.

Green Improvements Three:

The drainage works have turned the corner - literally! The trench has now been extended from the right-hand side of the green round to the back of the green, where the water will be allowed to drain away. There are already indications that the damp corner of the green is beginning to dry out, which is very engouraging for the grounds team. Next job is to complete laying the pipework, and then the trench can be refilled. The trench works have revealed that the old scaffolding planks were rotten and will need to be replaced, so if anybody has access to any please let the club know.



Green Improvements Two:

Work has continued apace, with a trench now dug along the entire length of the right-hand side of the green, and the new pipe laid to around halfway. Hopefully you can see from the first photo the ripples indicating the amount of water that runs into the damp corner of the green, so it is no wonder that so much damage has been caused. Work will continue as time and energy permits!

Green Improvements:

The Monday afternoon work party have started work on laying a new drainage pipe along the right-hand side of the green, which it is hoped will solve the problem of the damp corner of the green. Interestingly, initial excavations have revealed that a (clay) pipe had been put in place when the green was originally constructed (possibly in anticipation of the current problems) but the pipe has become damaged and broken over the years and therefore has not been doing the intended job. Watch this space for further developments.


The AGM will be held on Thursday, October 30th at 7.30pm at Barlaston Village Hall.  Obviously this is an important meeting and it is hoped that as many members as possible will be able to attend.


So close and yet so far:

Going into the final day, the Oakhill team seemed on course to finish second, but a rare heavy defeat, coupled with a strong win by their closest rivals , saw the team slip to joint 3rd (although officially 4th). The team won more away games than any other team in the League, and this, coupled with steady home form, undoubtedly contributed to an excellent overall season. Well done to all Oakhill team members!

A 'mixed' season for the Saturday team:

The final table for the Saturday team shows a respectable 7th place finish - if things had gone perfectly on the final day it could have been 4th, but that was always unlikely. An impressive home record of 8 wins out of 10, was backed up by a good 4 wins on the road, to record a solid performance overall. As mentioned below Ken and Janet did a splendid job as captains, and have a set a good standard to follow for next season's new captain.


Improvement to the website:

I suppose "improvement" depends upon how photogenic you are (!), but it is now possible to click on the photos on this site and they will expand to full screen.


Thanks for everything:

At the final Saturday Mixed league match of the season on 27th September, Club Chairman Gareth proposed a vote of thanks to Ken and Janet for their hard work this season in running 3 teams and they were presented with a planter full of flowers from the club. Many thanks to Margaret for providing some photos of both the match and the presentation.


What a delight to have the Boswell family come and support the Saturday team on 13th September, and undoubtedly this served to inspire the home team to victory. It was great to see Anne looking so well, and hopefully we will see Anne and Bill at (and maybe on) the Green much more next season.

Not so well done Gents!!:

Our team in the Wednesday men's League have unfortunately finished 11th, and if you notice how many teams are in that League you will realise what that means! The team have had to cope without regular players Bill and Carl this season, and the new players that have been introduced haven't quite hit the ground running. Hopefully however this season's experiences will stand them in good stead in the future, where Division Six awaits.

Well done Ladies!!:

The final League table has now been published for the Ladies League, and our team have finished in a very creditable fourth place. The team were only 12 points away from finishing third, but that would have put them in danger of being promoted, and an insider advises that this was never the intention! On an individual level, congratulations to Pam Bedford who finished 6th in the averages for the entire Division, although Pam would be the first to say it has been a real team effort, with everyone pulling their weight in the light of the unavailability this season of two previous stalwarts in Anne and Emma.

Out of date Website (08/14):

Apologies to all that the website has been a little behind lately, but as many of you will know the website manager has been unexpectedly hospitalised. I'm now back (and so is the site) and would like to use this forum to personally thank Club members for your many and much appreciated good wishes. On a similar note best wishes go out to Neil Jeffs for a full recovery after his recent bike accident. We're a poor old lot - maybe we should take up a gentle pursuit like bowling....!

Junior County News:

On Sunday 13th July Kyle represented Potteries & District against Lancashire in the third match of Section 3 of the Drakes Pride Junior County Championship. This time Kyle was selected for the away trip to Lancashire and travelled to Wigan where he enjoyed an excellent 21-16 victory - one of only two wins by the Potteries team. Unfortunately the team lost this match by 142 to 246, and the home match at Florence also saw a defeat for the Potteries by 248 to 139. The Potteries team have therefore finished bottom of their section and do not qualify for the semi-finals. Nevertheless congratulations again to Kyle (and Emma) for representing their County.

A tribute to our most loyal supporter:

Come rain or come shine, he stands stoically at the side of the green, quietly urging on the home team to success. Nothing will deter him from this task, and there's no doubt he has an intimidatory affect on our opposition. So, let's hear it for 'BARL-EE', the number one supporter of our Club.


Following Jan Marshall's recent unfortunate fall, the Monday afternoon maintenance team have been working on improving the 'Health & Safety' aspect of the steps. The results are shown below and hopefully this will help to avoid such accidents in the future.

Mid-Season review:

After a traumatic pre-season necessitating an EGM, it was good to just get out on the greens and bowl. Pride of place so far this season must be shared by the Ladies and Oakhill teams, both of whom are riding high in their respective Leagues. The Oakhill team have actually won more games away than at home - always the secret to success. The Ladies started with a 100% record for the first four weeks, and remain a force to be reckoned with in their Division. For the Saturday Mixed and Stoke Men's Teams it's been a different story. The Saturday team have a 100% home record (opponents finding our 'slow' green difficult to adjust to), but have managed only one win away. The Stoke Team have struggled through trying to bed in new players in the team, but hopefully this will have long-term benefits.

As a Club we can be proud of the way we are coping with recent difficulties, - the Boswell's (hopefully temporary) retirement, damp corner of the Green, negotiations with St Modwen, - and let's hope for a brighter future. Particular thanks to Ken and Jan Marshall, and Anthea/Margaret for taking over the running of the League teams at such short notice.

A Thankyou message from Bill Boswell:


"Anne and Bill Boswell would like to thank everyone for the cards, telephone calls, prayers and not least, cakes, following Anne's stroke. Your support has been overwhelming and greatly valued! Anne is making slow but steady progress but unfortunately still has a long way to go, so your support has been invaluable. Many thanks, Anne and Bill".


On Monday 16th June a drainage expert visited the Club, and concluded that our problem with the damp corner of the green could be solved by laying a drainage pipe about half a metre below the surface along the length of the ditch running along the front of the green (in front of the stand). He will be sending us a quote for this work which obviously cannot be carried out until the end of the season. Once that work is done we will be able to consider how to treat the marsh grass problem. Watch this space!!


Junior County News:

Our two young stars represented Potteries & District against Derbyshire in the second match of Section 3 of the Drakes Pride Junior County Championship on Sunday 8th June at Bucknall Private BC. Emma Dawson was unfortunately beaten 10-21, whilst Kyle Marshall fared a little better in being beaten 16-21. Potteries & District were beaten 157 - 235 in this home match, and the away team also lost by a similar margin 148 - 248. So, a disappointing overall result, but well done to our two young players for representing our Club and the County so well. The next match is against Lancashire on Sunday 13th July.


Meaford Power Station - Following the initial consultations, Meaford Energy Limited are now ready to present their findings. There will be two public exhibitions, the first at the Lakeside Tavern on Wednesday 11th June from 3pm to 8pm, and the second at Barlaston Village Hall on Thursday 12th June from 3pm to 8pm. Apparently they have listened to public concerns and are proposing to develop the south site, i.e. the one closest to Stone and furthest from our Green.


Wet corner of our Green:

Arie De Pee has had a meeting with St Modwen and backed this up with the following letter:

Dear Mr. Lindsay,

                           Ref.: Bowling Green at Meaford Power Station site.

We refer to your meeting with Arie de Pee earlier today when he impressed upon you the urgency with which action now needs to be taken to prevent the loss of an ever increasing area of the bowling green at Meaford,

As we have been advising you over a period of time,part (getting larger all the time) of the green is constantly being soaked by water coming from the area of the access road. This part of the green has become sodden,causing the formation of moss and, more detrimentally, marsh-grasses which we cannot eradicate without killing off any "proper" grass. Neither can it be properly mown as the mower just rolls over the tufts formed by these grasses.

We firmly believe that this problem is caused by water leaking from the pool adjacent to the gatehouse and that by draining this pool the problem could be solved. You agreed to have this looked at on an urgent basis and to let Arie know whether you can arrange for this to be done and when. We apologise for again stressing the urgency of this matter.

You and Arie also discussed the possibility of carrying out drainage work if emptying the pool does not solve the problem. That would, of course, be quite expensive and we hope that St.Modwen might be prepared to help with this. In any case, we would need your permission to carry out the work, as well as a drawing of the existing drains in the area in order to avoid any damage or unnecessary work and expense. We shall be pleased to hear from you about this eventuality as well.

Yours sincerely

Pam Bedford


Let's hope this leads to some improvement.


The Club has presented Anne and Bill with a planted decorative basket for the garden, for which they were very grateful. Anne seems much brighter now that she is home, and it is hoped that this gift alongwith the excellent start to the season by both the Oakhill and Ladies teams will hasten her recovery.


For those of you not aware, the excellent news is that Anne Boswell is now back home, as she continues on the road to recovery. The Club wishes her and Bill all the best.

Junior County News:

Our two young stars represented Potteries & District against Shropshire in the first match of Section 3 of the Drakes Pride Junior County Championship on Sunday 11th May at Bucknall Community BC. Emma Dawson played well but was unfortunately beaten 12-21, but Kyle Marshall strode to a 21-13 victory and was voted man of the Match. Potteries & District were beaten 160 - 229 in this home match, and the away team also lost by a similar margin 152 - 228. So, a disappointing overall result, but well done to our two young players for representing our Club and the County so well. The next match is against Derbyshire on Sunday 8th June.


Many congratulations to the Oakhill team, who started the season as they mean to go on with victory in arguably their most difficult fixture of the season by 7 points to 4. It would have been 8-4 but someone who shall remain nameless (new Club Chairman) was unable to attend.

The new toilet is now functional, although has yet to be 'decorated' - many thanks to Keith, Brian, Alan and plumber Paul for their hard work in this regard.

The changes that have taken place to the Club following the EGM on 25th March are now reflected on the History, Contacts, and Membership pages of this site.

The annual 'Clear-up' day took place on Saturday 29th March on a glorious spring day. A good turn out saw a lot of work done, and with a bit more titivating to be done by the working party, as well as the plumbing-in of the new toilet, everything will be ready for the new season.


Don't forget - Extraordinary General Meeting tonight (Tuesday 25th March) - details below.


On a miserable day, the new toilet shed has been erected, although the toilet itself has yet to be plumbed in, so, until further notice, make sure you go before you leave home!


Toilet disappears!!

The Club Toilet has gone today (24th March) and members are searching for clues as to where it has gone. At the moment members have nothing to go on! The police have been advised that all that is left is a hole in the ground - police are looking into it! (Bonus jokes of the week courtesy of The Two Ronnies c. 1981!)



NB Green out of bounds


For those of you looking to get in some pre-season practice, please note that the green is currently out of bounds until Friday 28th March as it has been given some anti-moss treatment. The green will therefore be ready for the clear-up day on Saturday 29th March - all volunteers welcome from 10.00 to 12.00.


Extraordinary General Meeting Tuesday 25th March

The Club would like to extend its warmest best wishes to Anne Boswell for a full and speedy recovery, and trust that she and Bill will be back on the greens leading their teams in the near future. In the meantime a meeting has been called for Tuesday 25th March at 7.30 at the Methodist Church Hall which is in Park Drive, in order to discuss various issues that need to be resolved whilst Anne and Bill concentrate on getting Anne back to full health. As you all know Anne and Bill have been fundamental in the success of the Club in recent years and fully deserve our support at this difficult time, so it is hoped that as many of you as possible can come along on Tuesday to discuss how to keep the Club running in their absence.


2014 Fixtures are now available for all our teams on the Leagues page.


Some dates for your diary:


Saturday March 29th - Club clean-up day (all volunteers welcome).


Tuesday 8th April - Oakhill Jubilee League first fixture.

Wednesday 9th April - Stoke Men's League first fixture.

Saturday 12th April - Saturday Mixed League first fixture.

Thursday 17th April - Ladies League first fixture.


Sunday March 9th saw the annual Club Lunch take place at the Stone House Hotel on a glorious Spring day. Here are some photos of the happy attendees. Congratulations to Emma and Bill who were presented with trophies for being the highest Club scorers in their respective Leagues.





DON'T FORGET - next Sunday (9th) sees the annual Club Lunch. At the last count there's going to be 29 of us there so let's hope a good time is had by all.


NB Please note that the annual Club lunch will take place on Sunday 9th March (not as previously advised) at the usual venue, the Stone House Hotel. Menus are available from Bill and Anne. Other dates for your new Diary/Calendar: a clean-up session will be held on Saturday March 29th, with the possibility of carrying this over to April 5th.


The Club wishes to extend its sympathy to the family of past Chairman, Roy Finney, who sadly passed away on February 8th. May he rest in peace.



Happy New Year and may all your bowls nestle alongside the jack!




Father Christmas will be delivering presents, but only if you've been good!


Happy Christmas to one and all.


As some of you may be aware, Meaford Energy Limited have published their report on the recent consultation process regarding the proposed development of a power station. The full report is available in the Library section of their website, www.Meaford-Energy.com. Of main interest to us is that most people were in favour of the station being built on the south site, which is the one furthest from our Green. We will keep you informed of any significant news in this regard.

The Club wishes to extend it's sincere sympathy and best wishes to Gareth Jones on the sudden and untimely loss of his lovely wife, Jenny. May she rest in peace.


The AGM has taken place, and the minutes are available from Pam. All Club Officers were re-elected so must be doing a good job! Congratulations and thanks to them all.

A date for your diary. The Club's 2013 AGM will take place on Thursday 7th November at 7pm in Barlaston Village Hall (meeting room at rear). In the words of the Club Chairman "Please do try and attend, the future of the club is in your hands".


Hopefully some of you attended one of the consultation events for the proposed Power Station development. It seems our green will not be affected, and furthermore the main entrance to the site will be at the far Meaford end of the site, so it seems the impact on us will be as minimal as we could have hoped. Time will tell!


The final Oakhill table shows that our team have been our most successful this season, finishing in an excellent 7th position out of 14. Winning four out of their 13 away games certainly contributed to this high placing, so well done to all involved with the Oakhill team.


The final table for the Saturday Mixed League has been published, showing our team finishing in 9th place out of 12. Once again solid home form (8 wins out of 11), was compromised by only one win away from home. Nevertheless it was a good season with the team always mid-table and well clear of the bottom 3 teams.


Further to the report immediately below, there will be three public exhibition events in which we can learn more about these proposals. They are as follows:

Wednesday 9th October from 1pm to 7pm at Lakeside Tavern.

Thursday 10th October from 1pm to 8pm at Station Community Centre, Stone Rail Station.

Friday 11th October from 1pm to 7pm at Barlaston Village Hall.

It would seem worhtwhile to attend one of these events if you can.


As mentioned on the history page of this website, our green is part of a site that used to house Meaford Power Station. As some of you may be aware, there is now the possibility of a new power station being built on the site. The implications for our green/club are not yet clear, but may be positive. The BBC news report on the subject follows:

"Plans have been drawn up for a gas-fired power station in Staffordshire, a developer has confirmed.

It would be built on the site of a former coal-fired station at Meaford Business Park.

The proposals, which are yet to be finalised, will require the approval of the secretary of state for energy and climate change.

Meaford Energy Ltd, which is a branch of property developer St Modwen, said the plans were at a very early stage.

The company estimated 800 construction jobs would be created, with a further 30 to staff the plant once it is operational.

The plans include a new connection to the national gas and electricity distribution networks.

Igniting gas

Meaford Energy said: "We are currently developing outline plans and, at the appropriate time, we will begin an initial, informal consultation with the community and key stakeholders."

The plant works by igniting compressed air and gas which are fed into a combustion turbine, which in turn drives a generator.

The surplus heat from the generator is used to create steam, which is used to drive a second turbine attached to another generator.

"This turns what could be waste heat into an efficient source of additional power," the company said.

A date for the informal consultation has not yet been set. Meaford Energy said it would be a number of years before any work could begin on site".


Monday 9th September saw a friendly match take place against Little Stoke on our green. Despite the appearence of a couple of heavy showers, a good time was had by all, in a match that saw a narrow 5 point victory for the home team. It is hoped a return match may be arranged before the end of the season.

The final table for the ladies league shows that our team has finished in a solid 6th position. Even during a difficult start to the season, the team always scored well, and this, coupled with a strong finish to the season, has seen them achieve a comfortable mid-table position. Well done ladies!

The final table for the Stoke Men's League has been published, with our boys finishing in 8th place. A creditable performance at home, winning 6 and only losing 3 of the games, but unfortunately losing every game away from home has cost the team dear. Oh well, there's always next season!

Unfortunately not such good news this time from our two star youngsters in the Drake's Pride Junior County Championships. Emma lost 21-12 and Kyle was beaten 21-8 as Potteries & District lost out to Warwick & Worcester, who now go on to play Yorkshire in the final. The next big occasion for these two is the British Parks Crown Green Bowling Association Junior Merit Competition which takes place on Sunday 22nd September at Florence Tennis & Bowling Club, Cemetary Road. Once again we hope they have benefitted from their experience on Sunday and bring their 'A' game to the Junior Merit Competition. Good luck to both!


As mentioned below, this Sunday, 11th August sees Emma and Kyle representing Potteries & District against Warwick & Worcester in the semi-finals of the Drakes Pride Junior County Championship. The match takes place at Wolstanton WMC, and Emma will be in match 3 against Natalie Bubb, whilst Kyle is in match 8 against Bradley Williams. If you're free why not go along and give them your support - we wish them both the best of luck!


Hopefully the change in appearance of the website is making it easier for you to find your way around. You may also notice a new page (on the far right of the screen) showing the addresses of local clubs, which those of you on email will already have seen, but being here should make it easier to find.

A big thank you to Carole and her family for hosting the Garden Party. Unfortunately the weather chose to have the only iffy day for the last two weeks, but still a good time was had by all. All 'the votes have yet to be counted', but current indications are that proceeds will approach £300, so thank you for your generosity.


DON'T FORGET - this coming Sunday (21st) sees Carole's 'annual' garden party. Full details below in red - be there or be square!

Kyle and Emma continue to do us proud. On Sunday 14th July they both represented Potteries & District in a section four match against Merseyside in the Drake's Pride Junior County Championships at Florence T&BC. Kyle won his match 21-18 and Emma won 21-16 thus helping their team through to the semi-finals. Well done both! In the semi's, which take place on Sunday 11th August, Potteries & District have been drawn against Warwick & Worcester.


More good news from our 'next generation'. On 30th June Kyle represented the county in the Parks Inter-county championships at Birkenhead, but unfortunately Staffs failed to reach the final. On 7th July Kyle and Emma took part in the Knypersley Junion Open competition. Emma reached the quarter final, and Kyle made it all the way to the final, where, after a poor start he fought a long way back, before finally losing 21-16. A great and encouraging effort from these two fine young players.

2013 - The season so far

With most teams currently experiencing a break in fixtures, it seems a good moment to review the season so far. The comments are based on the latest information I have available, and are purely those of the author and not representative of the Club.

Starting with the ladies, they are currently revelling in 3rd place in the league. Admitedly this is a slightly false position as teams just behind have games in hand, but nevertheless is a tribute to the fact that even in defeat the team have been scoring highly and this is now standing them in good stead.

In the Stoke mens league the team are currently 6th out of ten, representing a good solid mid-table position. Unfortunately the team have been unable to win away, but this has been counter-balanced by good home form.

Similarly, the Saturday Mixed team are currently 6th out of 12, with a 100% record at home, and some solid points scoring away, with the notable exception of the 'impossible' Goldenhill green!

The Oakhill team are 8th out of 14, and to their credit have managed to pick up two away wins, which has helped them to the current healthy position.

On the individual front, it has been great for the club to see Kyle and Emma receive junior county recognition, and hopefully this bodes well for the long-term future of the club.

So, in general all our teams are performing solidly, and, most importantly, are enjoying their bowls. It has been noticeable on a couple of occasions that members of opposition teams have fallen out with each other, and whilst we all like to win, it shouldn't be at the expense of having a good time.

Off the green, the social side of the club continues to prosper, with the annual club lunch, Friday social bowling, and Carole's garden party all being well supported. A small group of volunteers have also been working on the green and surrounds to good effect, thus adding to the experience for home players and opposition alike.

As is customary, it would be remiss not to express thanks to all those who help the club and teams to run so sucessfully. In conclusion, enjoy the second half of the season, which hopefully will be played in somewhat warmer conditions!


The friendly match against Stone Crown resulted in a win for the home team by 192 points to 153. An unusual format of multiple doubles matches played up to 15 points enabled players to partake in up to 3 games each and thus gain plenty of match time. Many thanks again to those who provided and served the refreshments , and to Gareth for his organisation.


Just a reminder that this Friday (21st June), the usual social bowling will be replaced by a friendly match against Stone Crown, starting at 2pm. Those who have missed their social bowling 'fix' will be pleased to hear it will return on 28th June.



14th June 2013 saw the second annual friendly challenge match against Stone U3A, Despite mixed weather, a good time was had by all, and more importantly (!) we managed to reverse last year's result, winning by 4 matches to 2, or alternatively 102 points to 90. Many thanks to Gareth Jones for organising the event, and thanks also to all those who provided the refreshments. Some photos of this enjoyable occasion can be found below:












Following in the footsteps of Kyle Marshall, many congratulations to Emma Dawson who has been called up to play for the County at Junior level.


Royal Ascot, Lords Test Match, Henley Regatta, Wimbledon - all part of the english "season". The latest addition to that list is of course Carole's Garden Party, which this year will take place at 2pm on Sunday 21st July. As before,there will be refreshments, home produce, plants, tombola, raffle, cakes and the proceeds will go to the bowling club. Tickets will be available nearer the time (priced at a bargain £2.50), and it will all take place at West View, Church Close, Meir Heath ST3 7LQ.



You hopefully will have noticed the improvement to the Green surrounds in recent weeks, This work is being undertaken by a small but dedicated group of volunteers on Monday afternoons at 2.00. Extra pairs of hands are always welcome.

On Friday 14th June the usual social bowling will be replaced by a friendly match against U3A. Anyone wishing to take part should contact Gareth Jones.

Another date for your diary: It is the intention to repeat the success of last year's Garden Party at Carol Duffy's. The proposed date is 21st July, and keep checking here for further details.

The 2013 fixtures and tables for all the Leagues in which we participate are now available. Sorry for the delay and many thanks to Steve Hall for his valuable assistance in creating these.


We shall be starting our Friday afternoon sessions again on

Friday 12th April at 2.00 – 4.00 pm

Anyone who is interested in having a game of bowls, please come along on any Friday. Members free, non members £1.00 per afternoon. The sessions don’t take place if it is raining!

If you want to learn to play there are people to help and we have spare bowls if you need them.


Some dates for your diary:


Saturday March 23rd - Club Clear up day 10.00 to 12.00. All welcome!

Tuesday April 2nd - Jubilee League starts

Wednesday April 10th - Stoke on Trent Men's League starts

Friday 12th April - Friday social bowls starts

Saturday 13th April - Saturday Mixed League starts

Thursday 18th April - Ladies League starts





From all accounts a good time was had by all. Thanks to Anne Boswell for organising it, who unfortunately was unable to attend, and I'm sure everyone at the club joins me in wishing her a speedy recovery.










Happy New Year and may all your bowls be good ones!




Father Christmas will be delivering presents, but only if you've been good!


Happy Christmas to one and all.



The Club AGM takes place this Tuesday (20th) at the Village Hall at 7pm.


Best wishes for a speedy recovery from everyone at the Club to Renee after her recent fall.


Steve Holding


Steve's funeral will take place on Wednesday 24th October at 12.00 at the Crematorium in Leek Road.


Our team in the Oakhill league have finished in a very good 8th place out of 14. Winning the last three games of the season represented a strong finish which hopefully can be carried forward into the new season next year.


The final Saturday Mixed League table is now available and reveals that we have finished comfortably mid-table in 7th place. As with the other leagues it is the away form that let us down but nevertheless a good solid season which I believe was enjoyed by all.


The final of the Mixed Triples competition is taking place on our Green on Saturday 6th October at 2pm. If it's a nice day why not pop along and take in the action.


Stephen Holding

The Club is deeply saddened to hear the news that Steve passed away in the tragic aircrash which occurred in Nepal today (28th September). Steve was a very popular member of the Club who regularly participated in social bowling on a Friday afternoon. On behalf of the Club we extend our sympathies to his family and friends. Rest in peace.



NB The Club AGM will take place in the Village Hall at 7pm on Tuesday 20th November.


Completion of the Staffs Ladies League fixtures see our team unfortunately unable to lift themselves from 10th place, despite a marked improvement in results in the final few weeks. Hopefully they will be one of the favourites to win Division Five next season.


The Stoke League fixtures have been completed and our team have finished in a very creditable 5th place out of 9. Frustratingly the team were only 3 points off finishing 4th, but nevertheless this represents a very solid season - well done to all.


Many congratulations to Emma Dawson, who on Friday 24th August won not one, but two trophies for winning the North Staffs Junior Bowls League Under 15 Championship for 2012. Here she is proudly showing off her trophies, whilst receiving deserved applause from fellow club members.


Also congratulations to Pam Bedford, tireless secretary of our Club who has very deservedly been nominated to receive a Certificate of Commendation for her contribution to Barlaston village life. Well done Pam!



Friday 24th August saw the usual Friday afternoon social bowls take on a competitive edge, as a team from Stone U3A came along for a friendly match. A whole series of very close doubles matches took place, only interrupted by tea and (excellent) cakes. Many thanks to Gareth for suggesting the fixture, and to Margaret for organising everything. A good time was had by all (despite some late rain) and hopefully the event can be repeated in the future. A sentiment also reflected in the following message received from Mike from the U3A team:


The U3A  bowlers entered into the world of competitive action on Friday, August 24th, when following the suggestion of Chairman, Gareth Jones, a friendly match took place at Barlaston BC. Six very close doubles took place----U3A victorious by 5-1-----interrupted only by tea and excellent cakes. A good time was had by all (despite some late drizzle) and hopefully the event will be repeated in the future.



Carole Duffy kindly volunteered to host an Open Garden/Social Afternoon with all proceeds going to the Club.

This event took place on Sunday 29th July at 2pm and featured Home Produce, plants, raffle, tombola and cakes.

Despite a couple of showers, the event went very well and raised a significant sum for the club. Many thanks to Carole for her excellent hospitality, and thanks to all who volunteered to help in various ways.




2012 - The Season so far

Being roughly halfway through the season, I thought it would be a good opportunity to review the season so far. The comments are based on the latest information I have available, and are purely those of the author and not representative of the Club.

Being a gentleman, I will start with the ladies. They are clearly the strongest team in their division, as they are holding the rest up! They've scored consistently but have yet to secure that first win, but I'm sure it's just around the corner.

The Oakhill team are currently 9th out of 14 and are undefeated at home. So far they've only managed one win away, so perhaps that's where they can look to improve in the second half.

The Stoke team are 6th out of 9, and have yet to win away, and so, like the Oakhill team, this is where they could look to improve.

The Saturday Mixed team are currently 6th out of 11, having been beaten only once at home, but unfortunately the win in their first away game of the season has not been repeated, so again the away form holds the key to a better position.

Friday social bowls has undoubtedly been affected by this wonderful summer (!), but hopefully the regular diehards will be joined by others when (if) the weather improves.

Finally thanks are due to all those who voluntarily give their time and effort to keep the Club and teams running so well.


Congratulations to Pam Bedford and Margaret Catlow who have both qualified as Class 1 Coaches with the BCGBA.


Saturday March 24th - Annual Spring Clean


A group of willing volunteers gave the Green, its surrounds, and the clubhouse its annual spring clean in preparation for the new 2012 season.




Keith does some edging

Ken clears the way

The group takes a well-earned rest!

Group rest







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