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'Your community bowling club'



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Welcome to Barlaston Bowling and Tennis Club Website (Newcomers please note we unfortunately no longer provide a tennis facility)



Links to local/Bowls Web Sites:



British Crown Green Bowls Association

St Johns Parish Church

Barlaston Parish Council

Westlands Bowling Club

Potteries and District County Bowling Association

Stoke-on-Trent and District Bowling League (up to 2021)

Stoke-on-Trent League (2022 onwards)

Newcastle Borough Mid-week Bowling League

Barlaston Community Group

Staffordshire County Ladies Bowling Association

North-staffs-parks (2022 onwards)


Oakhill/Jubilee League (2023 onwards)

Update on more Green surrounds improvements on Events page. Thanks again to the ever hard-working Monday afternoon team.

Minutes of latest Management Committee meeting (25.06.24) on History page.

Many thanks to those of you who entered this year's Singles Competition.

The draw is below, and is also pinned up in the North Stand and the Conservatory. You will see that you have until the end of July to contact your opponent by phone or email and complete your First Round match. The draw is shown in order (i.e. there will be no fresh draw after the First Round), so for example the winner of Andrew vs Gary will play the winner of Arie vs Jean in the second round.

Once completed, please let Chairman Brian know the result.

Good luck everybody!

Report and photos from the 'BIT OF A DO' on Saturday 22nd June on Events page.

The following friendlies have been arranged for the end of the season:

Tues 3rd Sept Alsager away

Sat 14th Sept Stonefields away

Wed 18th Sept Trentham home

Tue 24th Sept Stone Crown away

We have a lot of work planned at the green - in this connection the Monday afternoon work party is not an exclusive club(!) - any able-bodied volunteers are welcome to help out - work continues through the year.

The Club is going corporate! We now have customised Club mugs for use in the kitchen, and Club pens are available for members to purchase - just £1 each, see Treasurer Andrew to get yours - act quickly to avoid disappointment!









Barlaston is an ancient parish and large village of Stafford overlooking the Trent valley.  The name is of Anglo Saxon origin and is derived from Beornwulfs town or estate.  Barlaston is the gateway to the Downs Banks – owned by the National Trust and offering approximately 160 acres of bracken-covered moorland forming an idyllic backdrop to Barlaston village.

Barlaston Bowls Club is a village-based Crown Green Bowls Club offering both competitive League bowls as well as friendly social bowls. We have free parking available for about 20 vehicles. Why not come along and give us a try? - you're sure of a warm welcome!


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Copyright © 2012 Barlaston Bowling and Tennis Club. All Rights Reserved.